This workshop is available to those who have taken the Angelic Reiki 1 and 2 attunements and are ready to progress to the next stage, either for personal development or to teach Angelic Reiki. It is taught as a workshop over 3 full days.
This workshop is a powerful experience and as Angelic Reiki teachers you can be assured that the Angels will be with you in every workshop you teach; and be absolutely confident the Angels will support you in any attunements you facilitate.
The workshop includes :
Revisiting healing techniques learned in the 1 & 2 workshops
Opportunities to share healing experiences.
Healing through eye contact as used in Atlantis.
Healing with the Soul Group energies.
Healing with the energies of the Divine Presence & the Divine Blessing.
During this workshop all participants will move into the area of healing that will become paramount on this planet in the next few years.
13 symbols are given in this workshop, which are a gateway to multi-dimensional healing. The symbols given will be activated to Angelic level, through the 7 levels of form and divine form by the Archangel Metatron, as well as the higher gifts given by the Sarim, the Archangelic Princes of the Angelic Kingdom.
In the 4th Degree attunement, Lord Melchizadek, the Universal Logos, will anchor the symbols into each participant at universal level.
An attunement to all the Rays of God available in this Universe will also be given as a gift of love from the Angelic Kingdom of Light.
Participants will also be taught how to teach this information to others.
Full attunement to Angelic Reiki 3rd and 4th Degree level.
Your Master Crystal will be further programmed to hold the Divine Angelic Codes of Healing given in this workshop.
Instruction how to give attunements.
Advice on workshop and teaching practicalities.
A comprehensive Master Teacher manual.
A Master Teacher Certificate will be issued to you on completion of the course which enables you to work professionally and teach this unique system of healing.
The cost of this workshop is : £450.00. Non-refundable deposit £75.00
includes refreshments